Our Partners:


Katrina M Ryback, owner & founder, STUDIO183 

“Since we’ve had the virtual try-on mirror from fashioneura Studio183, customers are much more willing to experiment and opt for pieces that they wouldn’t try on in real life, resulting in 15% more sales.”

Oliver Gerbitz, Marketing Director, talbot runhof:

“Every return not only costs us money and increases personnel costs, but also causes opportunity costs, as our high-priced clothes are not available for sale.

This makes it all the more important for us to exploit all technological possibilities to avoid returns. The main cause of returns, especially for our body-hugging dresses, is choosing the wrong size. Fashioneura has shown us a way of intuitively and playfully helping our customers to find the right dress in the right size. In close partnership with us, Fashioneura has developed an AI-based technology that will help us to avoid returns and achieve our sales targets. We look forward to continuing on this path with Fashioneura.”